A letter to myself

I don’t know what happened. It all happened so fast. I lost you somewhere along the way of people pleasing and worrying so much about other people’s happiness. I downgraded you to “servant of others”.

I am sorry.

I will never downgrade you again.

I put the happiness and approval of others first, ahead of you. I allowed you to go without. I said you didn’t need the things you desired. I made it ok.

I am sorry.

You deserve better than that. You deserve to have it all. You deserve so much more than what I have been allowing you to have. You deserve to have your needs met and all of your desires come to you.

I promise to you, from here on out…..starting now…. I mean it….

you shall have everything you want and then some. I will make sure of it. You can step out of the shadows now. I will no longer hold you back or keep you behind closed doors.

You are free to fly

free to do

you are free to BE

I love you and I thank you for your patience as I unlearned and deconditioned from all the bad programming and recognize that you were there waiting all along. Waiting to shine.

It’s your time to shine now.

I love you


*I encourage you to write your own letter to yourself. Has it been a while since you’ve truly felt like YOU? The real you….not the mask you wear to fit in.

Not the facade you carry on with in order to please others or fit into some mold of what you think you “should” look like, talk like, walk like, be like….

Say YES to your deepest truth. Activate that part of you that has been waiting in the wings for you to allow her to come out and have her turn in the spotlight.

Decide you will no longer be distracted by other things that do not fit the truest part of you.

Come back to who you truly are. And allow her to shine bright for all to see!

Take out your journal now and take some time to write yourself a letter :)

Love, Jana


Self Permission


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