Heal money wounds & release blocks to abundance + prosperity

For years I felt like I was always giving and receiving so little money in return for my efforts.

In my jobs, I felt like I elevated the company, brought new ideas, new customers, new improved processes that cut down on costs.... and was underpaid and overworked...

not appreciated

In my freelance business, I felt I was going above and beyond--hitting each "milestone and then some" for my client...but had to wait to get paid my bonus money because it "wasn't factored into their budget this month". I waited months to get paid.

not respected and valued

early on in my coaching business, clients would show up late for sessions. and I was working for so little at the time.


when I began to recognize this pattern, I knew that I had to do some energetic and mindset work around this reoccurring issue of giving giving giving and not receiving--not feeling adequately compensated, appreciated, valued, loved...

my heart chakra needed some attention :)

(and so did the other ones !)

Here is a list of “money wounds” and the corresponding energy center in the body:

ROOT CHAKRA: feeling safe and supported, basic needs met. If you're worried about paying bills for the roof over your head and the food in your fridge, etc pay attention here.

SACRAL CHAKRA: Worthiness issues. not feeling like you're due to ask for more. You feel like you have to get another degree, another skill set, etc in order to ask for more money. (if that were true--all the PhDs of the world would be the wealthiest -hint, they are not)

SOLAR PLEX CHAKRA: lack of confidence to attract, earn and manage your money? look here. Not feeling sure that you can call in the amount of money you want each month?

HEART CHAKRA: receiving. if you're not feeling loved and appreciated for your service and feeling adequately compensated for it, look here.

THROAT CHAKRA: trust. if you don't trust yourself to protect and invest your money wisely, look here.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA: sight, intuition. alignment with higher self. Do you feel cloudy or confused? Not clearly seeing the big picture? wanting clarity look here.

CROWN CHAKRA: I am. embodiment of the abundant and prosperous being. feeling disconnected from source energy? look here.

Work with your energy centers to heal any money wounds, old outdated beliefs, feeling around your own abundance and prosperity. If you'd like a guided meditation to help you do so, you may be interested in my popular 7 day meditation series “7 Days to Prosperity”

This guided meditation has been designed to help you release any money wounds along the 7 chakra (energy centers of the body)

and affirm the truth, anchoring it into your energy centers to help you feel secure, worthy, and confident, and to receive, express, see clearly and embody the abundance and prosperity you desire that is your birthright.

In this series, there are 7 separate meditations for each of the chakras.


access it here


A letter to myself


Get into the receiving mode