The 3 most amazing self care ideas for entrepreneurs!

Here are the 3 most amazing self care ideas for entrepreneurs:

Self care is a MUST for everyone, but since entrepreneurs are on their own time schedule, you need to be extra diligent that you don’t place your own needs on the backburner and push your self care routine for last place on the calendar.

Here are 3 of the most amazing and beneficial ideas for self care for busy boss ladies:

  1. Get support: when you have someone supporting you in your business, it takes the pressure off. You don’t feel like you’re “going at this alone” or that it’s “all riding on your shoulders”. Whether that’s an assistant, a graphic designer, a social media manager or even a software system that automates a task or saves you tons of time and energy.

  2. Have a creative day! A day where you don’t do anything but brainstorm, play and create! Maybe it’s you having conversations with interesting people that spark new ideas within you. Maybe you make music, art, journal or just play hooky for the day. The idea is that you break up the hustle week and get into FLOW.

  3. Simply and make your “mindset work” convenient and fun! Find a way to listen, watch and soak up positive, uplifting information and new knowledge by developing your daily routine for personal growth. Download new apps like headway, audible, meditation apps, or services like mentor box, podcasts, or YouTube channels. Personalize the way you feed your mind with messages for personal growth.

Self care doesn’t have to mean a bubble bath or a weekend trip to the spa. It can be anything that feels like you giving yourself what you need to feel supported. 

Love, Jana


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