How to get what you want

If you have been struggling to get what you want, you may be thinking that you need to be more assertive. Maybe you wish you had more personal confidence to ask for what you want, or maybe you noticed that your sense of self worth could use a boost!

After coaching and teaching hundreds of women around the country on confidence building, I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to be a confident woman who knows what she wants and gets it!

Confident women are magnetic and inspiring. They set goals and achieve them regularly. They aren’t afraid to ask for what they want and they usually get it! The great news is that confident woman are made—they are forged in the fire. They are created through a combination of mindset programming and inspired action. They are constantly stretching outside of their comfort zone. They know how to walk with the fear and do the damn thing anyways!

Know that anyone can BEcome confident.

Let me remind you what Confidence is and where it comes from:

Confidence is a feeling of self assurance based upon your own appreciation of your abilities and or qualities. 

Confidence comes from repetition. From doing something over and over and getting better at it until you’re so sure that you can do it again successfully. And probably with a little more ease. 

If you’ve never gone LIVE on social media, or taught a class in a room of 200 people, raised your prices, lead an online community, or extended an offer to work with you over the phone or in person, then you probably don’t feel super confident in doing so.

But after you’ve done 10 Facebook lives, you feel a lot more confident when you hit that GO LIVE button and talk about your newest upcoming program….

after you’ve stated your price to potential clients a dozen or so times, you probably feel a heck of a lot more comfortable doing so. 

Confidence comes from repetition.

So how do you begin this journey to elevating your confidence?

There are 3 simple steps that I take my clients through to build their personal confidence

  1. Clarity: Get crystal clear on what you TRULY want—Not what you think you should want, or what you’ve been programmed to want. (What is your heart’s desire?)

  2. Anchored: Become completely unshakeable in who you are and what you came here to do.

  3. Action: Develop the courage to take action despite the fear. This is where the real learning takes place. This is where you discover a lot about yourself.

- Jana Corinne


Navigating the holidays with toxic relatives


Your Evolution is inevitable