5 books to help you improve your confidence

Here are my top 5 picks for books to help you improve your confidence:

You can watch this book review in my Episode 9 of my weekly video series “Clarity & Confidence”. Watch it here in the featured section of my private Facebook group “The Confident You”.

Here we go:

Surprise, surprise....#1 on my list is The Confident You 😉 by jana corinne (I heard she's pretty cool)

#1 The Confident You by Jana Corinne

The Confident You is focused on helping you become aware of your own personal power as the designer and creator of your lifestyle. In my book, I share 6 strategies for abundant living. I want for you to become consciously aware of the patterns that repeat in your life and remind you that at any time, you can choose to change them. I want to remind you that that next level version of you is not as far away as you think and literally in an instant, you can decide to utilize the strategies I share with you to begin a ripple effect of change in your life--everything from your relationships, to your career/business to your own personal happiness. The Confident You is for you to if you want to get out of a story of victim of circumstance to empowered manifestor of your true desires.

#2 Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny

An amazing look at why women are overworked, underpaid and stuck in cycles of lack and scarcity and what to do about it. If you lack confidence in your financial situation--this book is extremely eye-opening! This book will help you take a good hard look at why and how you've blocked yourself from earning more income and how to break that cycle of feeling unworthy of receiving MORE.

#3 Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliot, PhD

An intro into Shadow work--you'll learn how to uncover your "negative" patterns that your conscious mind wants to avoid and suppress. This book teaches you how to embrace the "dark side" of your desires. Once you bring them into the light, accept them, embrace them (and still love yourself anyway)--they no longer have power over you. This book helps you to go beyond just the positive affirmations/mantras and create change by bringing the subconscious patterns into light.

#4 The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

I'm recommend this book because I believe that your home--your external personal space-- is a direct reflection of you. It's a reflection of what is going on on the inside. The environments we choose to be in affect our energy and so I believe this is a wonderful book to help you clear and cleanse your personal to promote happiness and joy in your life!

#5 The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

These words won't do it justice, but here goes--This book is all about the power of BEING present. This book will wake you up to the patterns of the ego mind and the relationship between YOU, your ego and your body. It's eye-opening and extremely insightful. A must read!

These are the books that I come back to and read over and over. Each time, I receive something different, something more from the words on the page. Try them out for yourself! I hope you enjoy them!

Love, Jana

PS: If you’d like to order my book, The Confident You, it is also available on Amazon (print and kindle edition)


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