How to regain confidence and motivation after a major setback

Sometimes when we have what we call a major setback, it feels "defeating". It can feel as if someone just took the wind out of your sails.

But it's funny how a "setback" turns into a dodged bullet or allows me to slow down and just BE so that I can see the better opportunity that lay right before me (or that is coming soon)

So when you've just had what you call a major set back--stop and allow yourself to just BE. Don't try to do anything. Just BE. Stay present. Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Just allow yourself to accept what is and just be content with the now.

You will be surprised (pleasantly surprised) at what ease and grace awaits you. A new clarity, a new understanding...and something even better than you could have imagined or constructed by yourself is coming to you in divine timing.

If not this, then something better

This period is an opportunity to allow yourself to get aligned with what is truly important to you and what you truly want. And when you line up with it, that motivation will come to you. You'll feel it as an excitement in your body.

And your confidence as the powerful co-creator with the universe will be heightened.

In my latest epsiode of “Clarity & Confidence”, I share my personal story of one of the major setbacks in my life that sent me spiraling down in an identity crisis and onto the path of alignment that led me to my life coaching business :)

I’ll share with you what I learned from that experience about regaining your personal confidence and trust in yourself and regaining the motivation to pursue your dreams.

Episode 8 of “Clarity & Confidence” : How to regain confidence and motivation after a major setback

Love, Jana


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